My name is Tomás, I've 21 years old and I was born in San Bernardo, Santiago. I usually live in Santiago, but in the vacations, important dates, weekends, or free time, I travel to Cobquecura since It's my second house and in this place I lived my first years of my life. I'm Scout and I love the music and sports. When the pandemic started, with my family agree make a gym in the house and in this time, the confinement has not been a problem. Until today we have a lot of weight to do exercise and implements like dumbbels, kettlebells, a olympic bar and its cage, and more. At the same time, I love listen and play music with diferent instrument like violin, piano, guitar, traverse flute and percussion instruments. Today, my focus is in the violin because is the worst instrument that I can play. I really love the clasic music and my favorite musical pieces are Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso of Camille Saint-Saëns and Nocturne N°20 in C sharp minor of Chopin. When all my cl...