Since I was child, the english alwasys was important, I have aunts and cousins in others countrys like Australia, Spain, Germany and England. When they came to my house, everyone spoke in english, so I had to speak in english to talk with them. When I was eighteen, I did four levels of english on Wallstreet, an academy of english and I learned a lot, I learned listen different english accents like a japanese speaking in english or the american english, australian english, chineses english, etc.

My experience in the university about the english was little boring and disappointing, because in my life I had to learn english to talk with my family and articulate my ideas, so, If I gonna talk about the grammar, and other concepts developed in the class of english, it was very difficult to me. It's like the english in my school (I was in a school with a high level in english) and I had bad grades because I couldn't understand sentences, concepts, times, etc. I only wanted to talk.

I like use blogs because, how I need to write an Idea, sometimes I need or I forget a word and in this moment I search it in lingue o some app and this word enter in my vocabulary and my mind and It is very useful.

I need improve all aspects about the english, I need more vocabulary, I need a better reading, I need a better pronunciation, but I don't scary to talk in english and I don't have shame to talk, so I think that I have a foot in the correct way. I guess. My plan to improvement these aspects will be retake the level in wallstreet and finish it. I hope finish the last level and have a certificate.

Outside the English class, I usually talk a lot with others persons in english by videogames, sometimes I need read blogs in english "How can I do this mission in this game...", and sometimes, my family call me and in this moment We converse in english.


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